
it’s getting *clooooooser*! only *two* more days until halloween.. are you excited as i am!?

the costume look i’ve got for today is another one for halloween on a budget. i already did one costume on the cheap && today, i’ve got a second one~


i know it’s already made rounds on the feeds, but i could *not* resist blogging this dress from g field myself. it’s *free* and so adorable.. and perfectly halloween. and i immediately saw it as a very appropriate dress for a witch to wear.

so i added in some more free accessories.. like the orange ‘n’ black nails + bracelet combo i’m wearing here is a *group gift* for candy nail group members. you know i love my prim nails && the gifts from candy nail are always lovely, so i was excited to see these out for the taking. the set comes with a pair of earrings as well, which i’m not wearing here, but it all works well for adding in some extra halloween colors into a look.


the li’l one-tooth’d pumpkin i’m hugging above, as well as the bats i had swirling all around me (which look *amazing* but are so hard to photograph! but they’re there, i promise! eh heh) are both vip group gifts from epic. if you’re in need of some more halloween goodies, the epic group is *so* worth the price of admission. jade winthorpe is always generous to her groupies && there are lots of halloween-themed gifts for group members… currently, there’s a pumpkin backpack, the pumpkin i’m hugging here, the animated bats (which you’ll just have to go and grab to see for yourself, my pics don’t really do ’em justice), a mesh dress in three different designs and a pair of faun hooves that are *all* free to group members.

the spider pendant necklace i’ve got on is a *dollarbie* from kosh.. the hat i’m wearing is part of a set that comes in several different colors that’s out @ sakide, which gives you a *lot* of bang for your buck (the set includes the hat, a dress, boots, and gloves!)… and even the pumpkin-holding poses i used here from magnifique are cute, inexpensive and include all the pumpkins you’d ever need for posing *or* rezzing around for decorations.

so now there’s no excuse! with so many freebies && cheapies on the grid for halloween, you seriously have to dress up with me! >3

get the look yourself:
skin; pink fuel kumi peach in defined w/ lip glaze in midnight
hair; wasabi pills @ cinema taylor in seafoam
eyes; insufferable dastard gleeful eyes in yellow
eye makeup; kyoot feline in autumn forest
freckles; l.fauna extra freckles
piercings; hod silentium
dress; g field classic dress vivian in halloween (freebie!)
leggings; rezipsa loc punkin tights in orange (past freebie – unsure if these specifically are still available but there are lots of other inexpensive tights there!)
boots; pixelfashion devil boots in black
necklace; kosh pavouk necklace (dollarbie!)
nails/bracelet; candy nail tears halloween set (group gift!)
hat; sakide naughty witch hat in black
pumpkin (first pic in second collage); epic kawaii rotten pumpkin huggie (group gift!)
bats; epic bat buddy (group gift!)

poses && props; magnifique
location; sentinel dreams