
sometimes, halloween is about… indulgences. the holiday gives you free reign to dress up as whatever you like. a vampire, a ghost, a zombie…. anything that tickles your fancy.

so today, it’s actually my best friend who inspired these costumes. bff vivi is *all* about the anime, so when we found a few key accessories on the marketplace..


…i knew i’d have to indulge her, just a li’l bit.

these mesh heads from utilizator are all kinds of awesome — i’m wearing the regular female version but vivienne is wearing the *chibi* style (and is so cute i could scream x3) — and are chalk full of options. there are several facial expressions, including different mouth and eyebrow positions, as well as different eye styles and colors… and each come in three skin tones, with matching skins and head pieces, for tons of customization.

these would be fantastic for cosplay in sl — emulating a favorite character from an anime or manga series would be a breeze with these head pieces — but they also work for making up your own types of characters like vivi && i have done.


she and i decided to dress as close as we could get to *anime schoolgirls*, with her outfit coming from collabor88 by r2. when the collection rolled over at the beginning of the month && we saw these sailor suits out… vivienne and i both knew we had to do something with them for halloween. luckily for us, rei2 aya made some *fantastic* mesh pieces that were perfect for the looks we were going for and vivi looks so freakin’ cute in this outfit.


mine, on the other hand, comes from monso… and i *love* it. the version i grabbed comes with a bunch of color options for every single part of the outfit — from the trim on the jacket to different styles and colors for the tie at the neck — and is wonderfully constructed. it was absolutely perfect for a schoolgirl look && i spent much longer than i’d care to admit, just pushing buttons on the HUD to see all the color combinations.

while vivi went with a lunchbox (from love soul), i decided to wear a backpack.. one i’ve had from pink fuel for a very long time now. i’m glad i had it, it really came in handy for adding just that li’l extra touch to my costume, and i mean.. it’s pink fuel. and it’s a bunny. you cannot go wrong!

i always tend to lean on the scarier side of halloween, but that doesn’t mean every costume has to be freaky ‘n’ blood-soaked. being super adorable works just as well, too!


ps. these last four pics were taken in a photo booth on the love soul sim… while they turned out adorable, i’ve no idea what the text says across the top of each panel (i just kinda mashed buttons on the dialog box until the backdrop was cute enough). here’s hoping it’s appropriate!

get the looks yourself:
on vixxie (blonde hair) ::
head/skin; utilizator anime avatar base m2
hair; truth uma in barbie
ears/tail; omen kitsune soft colors
outfit; monso my school look
socks; kyoot lacey white knee socks
shoes; deco donna heel in black white
glasses; epic kyoot nerdy glasses in baby pink
nails; rezipsa loc pink nails french
ring; love soul rabbit ring
ice cream; love soul panda ice cream
bag; pink fuel stitched white rabbit backpack
pet; ohmai emporium pygmy puff in custard

on vivienne tailleur (red hair) ::
head/skin; utilizator chibi anime avatar base m2
hair; magika faint
ears/tail; magika neko
top; r2 @ collabor88 sailor blouse in navy
skirt; r2 @ collabor88 sailor skirt in white/navy line
socks; katat0nik thailor socks
shoes; edelweiss marchen shoes
nails; candy nail basic nails in blue 01
lunchbox; love soul lunchbox in red apple
ice cream; love soul triple choco mint
pet; ohmai emporium pygmy puff in crimson

poses; magnifique
location; itutu