
you ever get that feeling like… someone’s watching you?


yeah, me neither. *shrugs* wonder where that feeling comes from anyway…

so! today, i’ve got a.. pretty lady lost in the woods kind of costume look. this gorgeous dress from sakide, which is out @ the cinema event, inspired the look i put together for today. i was thinking of a dark, windy night…. a bright, full moon overhead… and creepy, ominous surroundings with only a single handheld lantern to light the way. i think i achieved that, what say you?


instead of a forest, i used one of my favorite spots for photography && headed over to innsmouth, which ended up being the *perfect* spot. the fog, the dilapidated buildings, and the fact that i was totally *alone* worked for the kind of mood i was trying to set. it looks spooky and wonderful and absolutely fitting.

it’s just a shame i was all by myself… i mean, *completely* by myself… because on a night like that, having someone else there to keep me company would’ve been a big relief.. y’know, to keep the boogeyman from coming to get me. if you even believe in that kinda stuff.

get the look yourself:
skin; glam affair roza basic in artic 02
hair; exile lady in red in stefani
tattoo; sn@tch apnea tattoo
eyes; insufferable dastard moody vampire eyes in wispy blue
piercings; hod tv piercing 1
dress; sakide @ cinema black dahlia dress
claws; amorous lacerated
gloves; tableau vivant arm warmers in black
light; swan lantern

poses; glitterati
location; innsmouth