it’s never too early

it’s never too early, in my humble opinion, to start thinking about halloween…


i love christmas, i love easter, i love my birthday (yes, my birthday *totally* is a holiday, tyvm).. but there’s just *something* about halloween that really tickles my fancy. it’s been the holiday i look most forward too all year ever since i was a little kid. i love dressing up, i love scary ghost stories, the candy isn’t bad ;)… it’s just fun. and figuring out costumes in my sl as well as my rl is just as exciting!

bff vivi && i both absolutely fell in love with these gatcha skins from pxl released earlier this week. each face is something different and the variations range from super spooky to pretty and whimsical. but these two skull-versions, mine as more of a hollow skeleton face and vivi’s as an absolutely stunning sugar skull, really inspired us both~


we dressed in lovely, frilly dresses.. both from violent seduction. both ensembles are a little older, but awesome nevertheless. i’ve been a *total* mesh convert ever since it went grid-wide, but there are some things that mesh just cannot do yet. and tiered fabrics, with movement and frills and delicate flexible lace pieces are something that just wouldn’t look as nice in mesh. and these dresses are a nice example of how newer doesn’t always necessarily mean better.


plus they both really give our looks a whole… sylvia ji kind of vibe, which is something both vivienne and i adore. her paintings are in an aesthetic i really subscribe to — beautiful, mysterious, and just a little bit on the creepy side. and her focus on gorgeous ladies with faces painted like they’re straight out of a dia de los muertos celebration make her art unique and fan-fucking-tastic. i think vivienne here emulates sylvia ji’s art in a rather accurate way… and her entire look would not have come about had it not been for these skins!

these skins are only *99L* per try && are transfer, so you can trade extras around with your friends. i was incredibly lucky when trying this gatcha — the two times i took a dip, i got the two skins i was really wanting.

…which reminds me.. i’ve another look coming soon with my second skin from this set. i can’t deny how excited halloween makes me and starting this early in the month on working on costumes is *never* a bad thing, i promise!

get the looks yourself:
on vixxie (light hair) ::
skin; pxl kate in damned
hair; wasabi pills veronica in seafoam
eyes; insufferable dastard creature of the night in colorless
piercings; hod tv piercing 1
dress; violent seduction lenore in death
stockings; blowpop seamed fishnet tights in black rip
boots; gos desire ankle boots in black
nails; mandala milky nails in gaga black

on vivienne tailleur (dark hair) ::
skin; pxl kate in muerte
hair; elikatira unfold in black 04
eyes; insufferable dastard tortured eyes in blue
lip color; pididdle i have a secret
dress/stockings; violent seduction muse in death
jewelry; donna flora opera skull set
boots; g field short lace-up boots in black
nails; candy nail eternal darkness

poses; glitterati