
so! i’ve done two looks for halloween (well, technically three if you count bff vivi too!) and today i have another one..


they’re coming to get you, barbara…

i’m not sure what’s more terrifying — a lone zombie meandering down the street (because you know where there’s one, there’s many not far behind) or the fact that said zombie is carrying a rather large knife. nevermind *how* the zombie got the knife, though, because… it just seemed fitting for the look, okay? xD


this look is surprisingly easy && inexpensive to put together, too, if you act fast! the ghostly white skin i’m using here is part of the gachas @ the arcade from glam affair && the current round is only up until the 15th (and that’s tomorrow!). but for a very small cost, you can try your luck at the machines… and there are several skintones available that’d work well for a zombie look!

and all the bloody marks and clothing are from edelweiss… and are *free*! the bloodied school girl outfit — which includes legwarmers, socks, skirt, shirt, a bunch of bloody tattoo layers && even the static modeling poses i used in the second collage of pics above — is available on the group-only lucky boards. these pieces are mesh and really well-made which make the price ridiculously awesome. and the lucky letters flip over rather quickly! and the group is free to join! *so* worth a stalk if you need a good halloween costume for cheap!

this costume was so fun to put together — and lots of fun to wander around in, too. so fun, in fact, that i took a li’l video of me bein’ all creepy ‘n’ stuff on the sidewalk. can you tell how excited i am for halloween?

get the look yourself:
skin; glam affair @ the arcade roza 07 (event only open until the 15th!)
hair; elikatira figure in black 07
eyes; repulse undead eyes in rust
mouth; fallen angel creations gore ripped mouth
outfit; edelweiss bloody sailor (group lucky board prize!)
shoes; gos pimp your pumps in point ballet
knife; dp yumyum alice knife

location; beethoven