

when you’ve been blogging as long as i have (working on 3 years, now!), it’s really really easy to hit outfit block. like writer’s block or artist’s block, it just kinda hits at random and suddenly… nothing looks good together, nothing works for an outfit, nothing jumps out at you and clicks for a cohesive look. and after blogging almost daily for all this time (not counting the times i’ve had to take breaks, eh heh), that’s a whole lotta looks! and that’s a whole lotta posts! so naturally, i’ve *got* to hit outfit block every once in a while… right?

this is one of those times. i had a lot of stuff i wanted to show off here on my blog, but nothing i did looked quite right. so i’ve got the awesome stuff on and… very little else.

needless to say, these are nsfw. you’ve been warned~
