my (not so) peaceful morning

waking up early in the morning usually isn’t my thing. i’m more of a *night owl* myself && would much prefer to keep the sleeping schedule of a vampire rather than wake up at ungodly hours in the morning. but when i do get to sleep at a decent time and wake up bright ‘n’ early, i realize that mornings aren’t so bad after all…


a nice hot shower, a cup of fresh coffee.. and a few moments to myself to enjoy the quiet really is a lovely thing. there are birds singing, waves rolling in on the beach just outside my window, && the soft glow of sunrise just barely peeking in the windows. it’s the epitome of serene.

or, well, it can be the epitome of serene… at least while sleeping beauty there stays in bed. luckily for me, lars will allow me to have a big whopping half hour to myself while he smacks the snooze button && gets in a few more winks.. so i can shower, dry my hair, and have a cup of coffee before he drags himself out of bed.


but, to be fair, i *do* get some extra quiet time while he’s in the bathroom too. it’s funny how routines get started, and how they always seem to work like clockwork, because i can always get partially dressed && fiddle with my hair and makeup a li’l bit before he’s out of the shower. by the time i’m grabbing my shoes, he’s usually all squeaky clean.

and then suddenly, my peaceful morning is not quite so peaceful anymore.


take this morning, for example. i’m stepping into my heels, feeling deliciously sexy in my new lingerie, and in comes lars from the bathroom…

“hey vix, lookit this! no hands!”

…how charming.

i tell him that must take *so* much talent to do… but because it is just a li’l annoying (and distracting), he finds it to be the most hilarious thing ever. i’m trying to figure out what i wanna wear for the day, and good ole lars takes it upon himself to cackle insanely && *dance around* the bedroom with his … towel.


i can’t brush my hair, or even get to my vanity without him poppin’ up (no pun intended) next to me to wiggle the .. towel .. at me. i try to pretend i don’t care, that it doesn’t bother me, but he somehow knows it really does && it only fuels the fire that much more.

i mean, just *look* at him. he is obnoxiousness personified! stark naked save for that blasted simpsons towel, laughing and doing what can only be described as the worst dance in all of humanity… and he is having a blast while i just wanna put my clothes on, damnit!!

so in my infinite wisdom, i decide to think.. and think fast. what, exactly, would give me my beautifully peaceful morning back? what could i possibly do to distract lars in return, so i can finally finish getting ready? tell a white lie and say i made breakfast downstairs and when he leaves the bedroom, close && lock the door? ask him to get me another coffee refill and when he leaves the bedroom… close && lock the door? grab my own towel and whip his bare, annoying ass with it so he goes running out of the bedroom like a li’l wuss, then close && lock the door??



…or i could forget getting fully dressed, for just a while, and take him back to bed. which, to be perfectly honest, did not make my morning any more *peaceful*… but certainly more… ahem… fulfilling.

get the looks yourself:
on vixxie ::
skin; pink fuel elly in chai
hair; truth leesa (updo) && hilary (long hair) in swedish
tattoo; vestigium japanese gods
eyes; insufferable dastard bold blue
lashes; lelutka curl lashes
piercings; hod reach
glasses; december glasses no.69
towel; glitterati mesh wrapped towel (part of a pose set)
lingerie; zaara aksaka in garnet
heels; n-core coquette
feet; maitreya bare feet in tip toe
skirt; maitreya vip mesh skirt (group gift)
nails; rezipsa loc cherry red nails french

on lars bleac ❤ (not much!) ::
skin; birth nico in pale
hair; shag hard candy
feet; slink mens natural mesh bare feet
towel; mushi bath towel
boxers; aitui verge boxer briefs in plain cherry

poses ::
first pic; vixxie ~ pulling strings @ pose fair (includes the mug!)
second pic; vixxie ~ magnifique
third pic; vixxie ~ glitterati (included in the clothing rack), lars ~ frooti
fourth pic; vixxie ~ @ pose fair (dollarbie!), lars ~ long awkward pose
fifth pic; couple pose ~ !bang @ pose fair