a study in narcissism

sometimes, funny things happen when you’re hanging around in world. funny things like… your best friend decides to put on a copy of your shape you gave her a while ago, only to turn herself into a twin of you. …which then inspires an *attack of the clones* kind of sci-fi photoshoot that looks like you’re posing with a dark-haired version of yourself.


you never realize just how vain you really are… until you have a clone (or maybe, a fraternal twin?) && the only thing you can think of is damn.. i’m hot.

so bff vivi is here, indulging my narcissistic side, and looking insanely hot in the process. 😉


she && i hit up insilico, where it’d be *so* fitting for some sort of cloning process to take place, and pranced around as our twinny selves. we tried to channel some sort of sexy clone cyborgs vibe, with lots of shiny latex from graves && mechanized eyes from negaposi.


since we both are wearin’ the same shape && skin combo (which, btw, the skin is the new leah face from glam affair and this particular tone/makeup is out @ the dressing room for an *insane* discount!), we tried to work in contrasts in other ways… to make each of our looks distinctive, while still similar. so while i’m in all black, vivienne is in white. she has dark hair, while i have light. her eyes.. red, and mine blue. we sorta look like good and evil, but which one is the good one… and which one is the bad one, hm? ;p


apparently we both have a li’l good and a li’l bad in us. teehee~

get the looks yourself:
on vixxie (white hair) ::
skin; glam affair @ the dressing room leah in ethereal sadness
hair; truth tess in pearl
tattoo; garden of ku neo3
eyes; negaposi machina eyes in sky
lashes; lelutka curl lashes
piercings; hod mess of metal
outfit; graves paradox
boots; sakide latex stompers in black
gloves; sn@tch tango latex gloves in black
goggles; needful things aviator goggles in silver

on vixxie #2 (aka vivienne tailleur – dark hair) ::
skin; glam affair @ the dressing room leah in ethereal sadness
hair; truth jordan in crow
eyes; negaposi machina eyes in red light
makeup; kyoot cat eye in catty
lashes; miamai catwalk lashes in twinkle
outfit; graves hydra in white
boots; slink tall leather thigh boots in black

couple poses (fourth pic); magnifique @ wear grey ~ all other poses; dare (store closed, creator is chance greatrex)
location; insilico