

being purposely mismatched can be so fun sometimes! \o/

not that there’s anything wrong with wearing different shades of orange && lime green together normally…


warmer weather just seems to *need* brighter colors.. the more vivid, the better.. so i dressed to match that sort of feeling with some vibrant hues, but still tried to keep it “springtime appropriate”.


it all started with this mesh jacket from cold logic, which i grabbed because i was drawn to this yummy orange shade. i *always* gravitate towards grayscale, i often find myself picking up items in black or white or gray only… so i’ve been trying to incorporate more *colors* into my virtual wardrobe lately. and it seems to be working, my eyes are drawn to brighter colors.. and this jacket (which actually comes with a tube top that you can wear with the jacket, or separately too! three pieces in one! \o/) came in so many pretty choices that i actually ignored the darker shades~

the soft, sherbet-colored tee underneath is actually a dress from avale that seemed to work just as well as a longer shirt… or, tucked into a pair of mesh jeans like i’m wearing here. i’m guilty of doing this often — wearing mini-dresses as longer shirts — but it’s *such* a good idea (not to toot my own horn, ahaha, it def wasn’t my idea first!). it essentially doubles your wardrobe && i am all about the versatility when it comes to my sl clothing choices.

and is it wrong that i matched my hair to my shoes? suppose that’s a question that only works in second life… haha. i’m not sure if it’s some sort of fashion faux pas to match the color in your hair streaks to the color you pick for your shoes, like matching your belt to your handbag? but! i am in *love* with these dip-dye colors from ploom && needed a reason to use these candy-colored streaks. i’ve loved streaked hair from the beginning (fun fact: the first prim hair i bought was blonde with black tips && ever since then, i’ve pretty much always leaned towards streaked or two-tone hair) and the latest releases from some of my hair faves like magika, burley && of course ploom have made me so happy! moooooore streaks && crazy colors, i say!

plus, this super cute bun hairstyle is out for stumblebum — which means it’s discounted && *so* worth picking up while it’s on sale!


bright orange && neon green… reminds me of fresh citrus fruit. colors that taste as good as they look are always win imho~

get the look yourself:
skin; pink fuel elly chai in amazon w/ doll gloss in beestung
hair; ploom spunki (stumblebum item!)
tattoo; vestigium japanese gods
eyes; insufferable dastard basics in light blue
eye makeup; vestigium eyeliner in orange
lashes; lelutka curl lashes
piercings; hod om shanti (chest, nose) && lisbeth (lip, nose, brow)
top; avale anelle in peach
jacket; coldlogic combo in clementine
jeans; mon tissu nora skinny jeans in faded
heels; n-core coquette
necklace; flightless geronimo skull feather necklace
nails; ey:no colorful nails
bag; tea time mesh clutch vintage bag

poses; y’s art&poses @ pose fair
location; alirium