happy easter!

happy easter to those of you out there that celebrate it! ❤❤

and as if the build up to the holiday wasn’t bunny && pink enough… here are bff vivi && i to bunny and pink it up even more!


nothin’ like an entire holiday’s worth of excuses to break out the bunny ears! \o/

vivienne && i enjoy the pink just as much as the next girly-girl, but we rarely indulge the frilly and cutesy side of pink. luckily for us, katat0nik seemed to have all of our pink rabbity needs covered…


vivi’s dress is actually part of an entire costume (complete with a hood, hair, and bunny ears not worn here) that looks like a perfectly detailed cake, it’s so pretty. the ribbon details, the collar && the shape of the skirt all make for one big bit o’ cute… and the dress was a nice && easy match to the socks and shoes, since everything was from the same store!

both vivienne && i are of the mix it and match it mindset.. typically, if things we buy come as a full set or outfit, we’ll take pieces and mix it in with other items in our virtual closets. but when things work together as nicely as these do, there’s no reason to go out of your way *just* to mix ‘n’ match.


my dress is from katat0nik as well… except it’s a group gift for the holiday! lots of ruffles, ribbons, and a pattern of adorable bunny faces made this dress *far* too cute not to wear. it’s all the little details that i love about katat0nik’s items — there’s always so much packed in. there’s a bow on the back that i (unfortunately) didn’t photograph, there’s a pair of panties that were included with the dress underneath all those ruffles, and the lace trim… the bow on the chest… the li’l faces on each && every one of those bunnies… needless to say, it’s an awesome group gift && even though there is a fee to join, doing so is worth it! this gift is indicative of the gifts always out at katat0nik… generous!


vivi && i both hope you have a relaxed, chocolate-filled, wonderful easter… and we promise to save you a peep for your easter basket (but only if you act quickly! peeps are so nomnomable~)!

get the looks yourself:
on vixxie (pink hair) ::
skin; pink fuel elly chai in tiara w/ juicy gloss in apple
hair; truth abigail in fairyfloss
tattoo; actchio suri kitty
eyes; insufferable dastard bold blue
lashes; lelutka curl lashes
ears; chelle bunny ears v2 in medium pink
piercings; hod dimpled
dress; katat0nik hoppy easter dress (group gift)
heels; g field open boots vilda in ivory
nails; virtual insanity square nails in pastel 2012
nom; chelle eating peepsy in bunny lavender
basket; go easter basket (dollarbie)
necklace; katat0nik purple strawberry milk necklace
whiskers; cobrahive whiskers in white

on vivienne tailleur (purple hair) ::
skin; glam affair leah in light
hair; elikatira rush in color 05
tattoo; katat0nik eva bunny tattoo sleeves
eyes; insufferable dastard tropical eyes
makeup; chelle mix and match in pink/purple
lashes; miamai catwalk lashes in twinkle
ears; chelle bunny ears v3 in light pink
piercings; cobrahive gauged 04
dress, collar, nose && gloves; katat0nik bunny costume in pink
socks; katat0nik hoppy easter socks
heels; katat0nik aya wedge in light pink
wand; katat0nik bunny cake pop
nails; candy nail basic nails in pink 05
nom; chelle eating peepsy in bunny pink

poses; glitterati (sale going on right now!)
location; horizon dream