
today is the last day to go visit fantasy faire. and i, in my infinite wisdom, am blogging some of the items i grabbed at the *very* last minute. go me! \o/

please click to see it larger @ flickr!

the gorgeous mesh gown (by sakide), the *amazing* antlers (by ni.ju) && the floaty li’l butterfly that still photographs just do not do justice (from epic) are the items i’m wearing here from the faire — but there is so much more to buy and see. the builds are wonderful, there are so many designers offering goodies, and it is all for a fantabulous cause. it does not get much better than that!

if you haven’t visited (or you like leaving this ’til the last moment like me!), then you should go… riiiiiiight now… and see all there is to see at fantasy faire. but you need to hurry, as i said the event ends later on today!

get the look yourself:
skin; atomic lien in buff
hair; exile best of you in frost
tattoo; para designs reverence
eyes; mayfly deep sky mesh eyes in absinthe shadow
face makeup; chelle maleficent in blue/violet
lip color; rozena dolly lip in violet
lashes; miamai catwalk lashes in burst (past group gift)
piercings cheeks; hod dimpled
piercings lip; ni.ju chain chomp piercing
dress; sakide @ fantasy faire lotus gown in black
antlers; ni.ju @ fantasy faire portmanteau in white
butterfly; epic @ fantasy faire sparkle flutterfly trails in electric
necklace; donna flora vivian
nails; candy nail @ sunshine agency twinkle in pink (on sale at this location!)